Hello World!

March 5, 2009


This project consists of creating artistic portraits of women who have had heart surgery. Our goal is to leave women knowing that what happened or is about to happen in their life is something absolutely magical. This scar is a symbol of courage and that a world of excitement, inspiration and fun awaits each and every single one of them.

How it started? It all started from a little Orange book….

About a year ago Angelica Hoyos, a young and passionate artist met Marie Papa an amazing, inspiring and creative woman.  It wasn’t too long until Angelica found out that Marie had recently undergone heart surgery. A few months after meeting Marie, Angelica read a book called: Live What You Love: notes from an unusual life. This book made an impact on Angelica and would cause her moving to LA. She felt the need to pass this book on to Marie with the intention of revolutionizing her life a bit. A few months went by and on February 3rd, 2009 at 8:57am Angelica received an email saying: “Guess what? Your little orange hand book was just the inspiration we needed. WE DID IT! We are moving to Fort Scott, KS a little town less than two hours out of Kansas City, Missouri. We found an incredible brick, 42,000 sq. ft building we could put our heart and soul to and  create a place where art can be created”

Shortly after that Marie and Angelica found themselves brainstorming about how to integrate Angelica’s photography into one of the Galleries in Marie’s new building. After a long conversation Marie said:  “something that’s so close to my heart is heart surgery, we go through many different changes. Our bodies don’t look the same, we have to go shopping for different clothing and we are ashamed of this huge scar on our chest”  Surprisingly Angelica saw a world of opportunity in her statement, her face lit up and said: ” why don’t we create portraits of women who have had heart surgery and through art deliver the message that heart surgery is something magical and a whole new world awaits them. They should be proud of showing this scar!”  Angelica hung up the phone and took action!

We are now joining forces to create these artistic portraits and put an event together where these portraits will be displayed. The purpose is to leave women knowing that what happened or is about to happen in their life is something absolutely magical.

So I reach out to the world, to women out there and ask you to participate, be an advocate for heart disease! We need at least 100 women to get involved. Whether you want to  spread the word, help raise money, or be photographed. We are looking for it all.

What we want:

20 Women 40 years of age and under who have had open heart surgery and are willing to be photographed. You must live in or be willing to travel to Los Angeles, CA or Miami, FL. Also women who have not had heart surgery but are interested in contributing in anyway possible. We need your help!

Our goal:

Our goal is to make 30-40 portraits, have an Art Exhibit/ Auction and through this raise money for The American Heart Association.

So I ask you for your help in bringing light t0 this disease that takes a woman’s life every minute. Don’t let yourself be one of those lives taken. Perhaps you have not had heart surgery but want to help, perhaps you’re close to someone who has. Someway somehow we are all connected. Ask around, spread the word, let us know.  Let’s all work towards this beautiful project full of Art, Passion, Beauty and Love.

Once we have one photo shoot completed I will post photos for all to see.

Together we can make a difference!

About me coming next….

Have a beautiful day everyone.

Caitlyn Hayes:)

6 Responses to “Hello World!”

  1. Javita said


    It sounds like an amazing project. I am an Indian, living in New Delhi, India. I underwent a heart surgery for valve replacement last year. Reading about your project and the way you have described the scar and the surgery is quite inspiring. I wish to thank you for the same.
    In case you ever plan to expand this project out of the US, I will be more than happy to be involved.

    Thanks and warm regards,


  2. Melissa said

    I heard about this project from someone at the forum “ValveReplacement.com”.
    I had heart surgery in June 2005. I wish I lived closer so that I could participate in this photo shoot…it sounds absolutely incredible and I love that you are celebrating this.
    I wear my scar like a badge of honor and don’t try to cover “Scarlett” up. I prefer to accessorize her instead.

    Thank you for doing this project, and if there’s anything helpful I can do from Calgary, please let me know!

    Take care,

  3. Lisa Lugo said

    I am 41 and just had open heart surgery 4 weeks ago. Wish I was just a year younger, I think my scar turned out not bad at all and for some reason I have a desire to show it to all that stop by to see me! I was so worried before surgery about having this huge scar for the rest of my life. I knew I was a strong person and could survive open heart surgery but I worried so much about forever being changed by the scar. It really scared me! Friends told me I was being “vain” and all that mattered was that I lived. That was irritating, no one has a right to tell you your concerns are invalid. I am 41 and do yoga and keep myself in good shape, if I want to worry about how my scar will look that is my right. I would have found it comforting to have your book before my surgery and I am sure many future heart patients will feel the same. My surgery is now over and done and I am a changed person, both inside and out. And I proudly show my scar off!

    Best of luck with the project,

    Lisa Lugo
    San Jose, CA

  4. Bernie Sirelson said

    Angelica, both your art and your commitment are a testimony to your name! What a wonderful project! I know a little girl who had some kind of heart surgery when she was an infant. She’s too young to be concerned about how it looks, but even so, I think she might be a great addition to your project.

  5. Holly Spang said


    I think this is a wonderful project. I had open heart surgery 7 months ago at the age of 35. Please contact me if you are still working on your project….I would like to participate and learn more.


  6. Linda Zapien said

    Hello.I wish I could perticipate but I had a triple by pass 20 years ago. I was 39 at the time and never suspected heart disease. Recently I had a stint putin so I’m proud to have my scar, without it I would not be here. I commend you on your project and keep up the good work. Will be wearing Red this Friday. Sincerely Linda Zapien

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